Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Junio Everyone!

In the spirit of Cinco de Mayo (which is not Mexico's Independance Day), I have decided to make up Cinco de Junio. Like most holidays, it has been created solely for the purpose of getting out of work and into drinking beer.

So what does Cinco de Junio celebrate? Uuummmm, how about the discovery of beef jerky. Yes, in 1747, Brazilian explorers discovered the now extinct, Jerky-Jerky plant in the rain forests of southern Brazil. They quickly learned that by eating the bark of this wonderful plant, their stomachs could stay full for as long as 12 Bolas-Bolas journeys. Which today is the equivalent of 3 football, 5 basketball or 1 baseball game. Provided, of course, that the men could also consume liquids during that time.

So, in honor of those great Brazilian explorers, we will celebrate Cinco de Junio by drinking beer, eating beef jerky and trying to watch an entire baseball game not involving the Yankees, Red Sox or Cubs.

As always, I hope this has made your life richer for the experience. Although probably not.

Stay away from Nashville!

Here is an image that I found in a video off of YouTube. So here's the game, think up the funniest or most clever headline you can and post it in the comment section. The winner will receive a year's supply of NOTHING. But you will get to bask in the glory that you are my funniest friend, for now! Good Luck!